The Shadow Work School is currently undergoing some changes. There will soon be a Beginner’s Course available to you all - so that you’re able to do Shadow Work on your own time. If you want to be notified when this course will become available, please fill in the form down below.
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What is Shadow Work?
On a daily basis it is said we are 95% unconscious; as we go through our days, we are mostly being led by our conditioning and programming that is created in childhood. Simply put, with Shadow Work we make the unconscious concious and become more aware of our ‘default mode’ as we go through our day-to-day. Shadow Work is the process of bringing the Shadow (the unconscious) into the light (the conscious). The Shadow, and doing Shadow Work, is therefore not negative or dark (although that is often the association); the Shadow is simply out of our awareness and therefore in the dark.
With doing Shadow Work, we embrace every part of us - which creates a more wholesome experience in our human-mess, freedom, inner peace and more compassion towards ourselves and those around us.
Doing Shadow Work is one of the things that can change your life forever, and for the better. (And for those who know me, know I’m definitely not the sales-kind-of-person. But I simply can’t change the truth.) Still find it hard to believe? Check out the testimonials from some of some of the Alumni Shadow Workers down below.
My background story
Shadow Work has been the most eye opening, down-to-earth practice for me to create inner freedom and wisdom within. After coming out of a toxic relationship I started to learn about Shadow Work, and I all of a sudden saw my personality (my persona, my mask, my ego) like no other. It felt like I had been blind the first part of my life; as if I’d finally truly opened my eyes. It’s an understatement when I say: I felt reborn (yes, insert tattoo snake and all). That experience left me wondering: “I have not been able to see so many things during the first 32 years of my life, there must me so much more to discover. I’ve been living in so many illusions all at once, there must be so much more that I don’t see and know.” This was when I - very naturally - started doing the work, in which Shadow Work played a vital part - the process of becoming conscious of the part you’ve been repressing. It was due to Shadow Work, that everything else that was a part of my healing journey was ‘obvious’. From therapy to ayahuasca and everything in between: Shadow Work had already laid the foundations and had given me all the initial answers I needed, to become more self-aware, free and whole.
It’s been one hell of a ride ever since. Granted: Shadow Work can be quite uncomfortable, but it also leads to inner liberation. Shadow Work changes your perspective of your inner world and the world around you, and you won’t be able to look at yourself and other people in the same way after having done this work.
By becoming more aware of ourselves, we become more free because we gain a deeper understanding of how we work under the surface. Shadow Work is, in my eyes, the most liberating practice you can do to become more self-aware. It’s not scary - although it might be confronting - but once you’re up for it and dare to shed light on the dark: you will feel so much lighter. Because you now understand yourself from a different level, your external circumstances (job, relationships, money) will shift by default. As if a burden has lifted off of your shoulders and you can now finally truly be you.
Simply put: the Shadow means the unconscious, and doing Shadow Work means making the unconscious conscious. When we grow up, we need love in order to survive. In order to get this love, we adjust/conform to the world around us - ultimately leading to repressing parts of ourselves. Our biggest Shadows are formed in childhood. We adjust/conform in order to live the best life possible. These Shadows form a (social) mask, and (even/also years later) affect every aspect of our lives.
On a daily basis, we run on programs/conditioning, and without doing Shadow Work - we don’t realize what this consists out of. Everyone has a Shadow Self, it’s merely the question if you’re open to see it. When you are, you are able to observe your Shadow aspects (= completely new way of being) and, step by step, integrate and transform them.
It is said that unraveling your Shadow aspects is ‘pure gold’; it makes you whole as a human being and sets you free. And with that being said, I can only wholeheartedly agree.
Great question. That’s the nice thing with the Shadow: if you’re not being honest with yourself, it’s gonna come back until you’re ready to face the truth. For some, this is about repeating a pattern over and over again. For others, it can feel like an explosion (awakening) when something big happens (such as a break-up, a loved one passing away, etc.).
For something to exist forever, it has to be true and authentic. You are what your core is. No matter how you coat it with colors, sugar and honey to please the world and those around you, you will always be what you are at the core. Your core is your truth.
The whole thing with the Shadow is that we constantly play games with ourselves, which makes the Shadow bigger and strays us from the path and our core.
In the course you’ll begin to get a sense of awareness around your Shadows, bringing you closer to your core / Authentic Self. You cannot hide then. And, by creating a safe space and being brutally honest with each other during our Live Sessions, we will also co-create a vulnerable and open space in which we will all be radically (lovingly) honest.
The first thing you can do is to live in the present moment and observe yourself. On a soul level: prepare to be confronted, but at the same feel more liberated (possibly, after a while). Get ready to say goodbye to a former you and for a new you to awaken.
Therapy can (also) be Shadow Work. But, it totally depends on yourself and the therapist how many Shadows you’re able to explore and unravel.
I am a font believer of the ‘fck yes’-kinda feeling. I think if you feel the calling to do this work, then you’ll know. If you don’t, then you also do.
It is important to note: when working to recognize and understand your Shadow side, that you do not over-identify with it. If you are going through a period of low self-esteem or depression, for example, it’s not the time to indulge into Shadow Work because you don’t have the headspace for that. It is wise to do Shadow Work with proper support in place (coaching and/or therapy).
Shadow Work is mostly a thought practice; therefore I will be asking (a lot of) questions which you’ll have to think about and sit/work with.
You’ll receive pre-recorded videos + exercises/worksheets to take with you for the week.